Chambers/Visitors Bureaus

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Uncommemorated Sites from North to South
Uncommemorated and Unmapped Sites
Those taking 114 west from D/FW Airport can continue
on 114 to Bridgeport but the recommended route through Decatur offers
several exciting sites including the Waggoner Mansion (El Castile)
and a stunning pink granite court house surrounded by a nice selection
of restaurants and antique shops.
Wise County Court House
Waggoner Mansion
Any combination of the other routes can be followed
beyond Jacksboro but the shortest and most beautiful drive, though
it misses Fort Belknap and surrounding battle sites, is to simply
drop down Hwy. 4 all the way to I-20 and return to Weatherford exiting
51 North where within a quarter mile just to the east is Holland Lake
Park that contains the Double Log Cabin. The cabin bears scars received
in an Indian attack and in contrast to the Waggoner Mansion, half
of this humble cabin served as Dan Waggoner's original ranch headquarters.

Double Log Cabin Monument

View of Inside of Double Log Cabin
Follow 51 north to reconnect with 114 back to D/FW.
About halfway there is Carter road to the west. Approximately 3/4
of a mile is an old grape arbor gazebo surrounded by four or five
monuments and tombstones. One is for Joe Hemphill, the last pioneer
killed by Indians.