John Montgomery

Wise County, Texas

    During 1866, Jno. Montgomery, who lived about five miles west and north of Springtown, in Parker County, was going to the Clark Place, about five miles northeast of Springtown, where several local citizens were threshing. While on his way he was charged by several Indians, who gave him a mortal wound. Mr. Montgomery, who was about sixty-five years of age, succeeded in reaching the yard of Jack Thomas, but here he fell dead. This occurred about two o'clock in the afternoon. The Thomas home was north of Springtown, about one hundred yards from the Parker-Wise County line. The savages then went to where the citizens were threshing, and succeeded in capturing several horses.

    Note: Author interviewed E.P. Curby Dole Miller and others who lived in that section at the time.

The above story is from the book, The West Texas Frontier, by Joseph Carroll McConnell.

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