Theodore Roosevelt National Park |

Theodore Roosevelt National Park
315 2nd Ave
Medora, ND 58645
South Unit Information;
Phone: 701-623-4466
North Unit Information; Phone:
When Theodore Roosevelt stepped off the train in the Dakota Territory
for the first time, he was in search of adventure. The date was 08 Sep
1883, and the town that slept at 2:00 am was Little Missouri, a shoddy
collection of buildings on the west bank of the river. The 24-year-old
Roosevelt was bursting with anticipation about shooting a bison. A feat
the took him 10 days to accomplish. Before returning to New York, just
two weeks after he arrived, he entered into a partnership to raise cattle
on the Maltese Cross Ranch. The next year he returned to the badlands
and started a second open-range ranch, the Elkhorn. Theodore Roosevelt
returned again over the next few years to live the life of a cowboy,
explore, invigorate his body and to have the Little Missouri Badlands
renew his spirit. Theodore Roosevelt wrote: "I would not have been
President, had it not been for my experience in North Dakota."
Today, the colorful North Dakota badlands provides the scenic backdrop
to the park which memorializes the 26th president for his enduring contributions
to the conservation of our nation's resources. The area was first established
as a Memorial Park in 1947. It gained National Park status in 1978.
The Little Missouri River has shaped this 70,448-acre park which is
home to a variety of plants and animals.
Within a short time after the death of Theodore Roosevelt on 06 Jan
1919, there were proposals to establish a memorial in his honor for
his enduring contributions to the safekeeping and protection of our
nation's resources.
In 1934 a cooperative agreement to start a Roosevelt Regional Park
Project was signed by the Resettlement Administration, the Civilian
Conservation Corps (CCC), National Park Service and the State of North
Dakota. The federal government wanted the project to become a state
The CCC operations began immediately and were administered by National
Park Service. The North and South Roosevelt Regional Parks each had
their own camps. By 1935, these sites were designated the Roosevelt
Recreation Demonstration Area (RDA). Development by workers from the
CCC, as well as Works Projects Administration (WPA) and Emergency Relief
Administration (ERA), included construction of roads, trails, picnic
areas, campgrounds and buildings. All projects ended in 1941. When North
Dakota's state government announced that it did not want the land as
a state park, approval was obtained in 1942 to retain the Roosevelt
Recreation Demonstration Area for the purpose of study for possible
inclusion into the National Park System. North Dakota Representative
William Lemke championed the fight to establish a national park but
legislation to establish a park was vetoed because some felt the area
did not possess those qualities that merit national park ranking. In
November 1946, the RDA was officially transferred to the United States
Fish and Wildlife Service as Theodore Roosevelt National Wildlife Refuge.
Undaunted, Congressman Lemke pressed on and finally after negotiations
and compromise, President Truman, on the 25th of April 1947, signed
the bill (PL-38) that created Theodore Roosevelt National Memorial Park.
This included lands that roughly make up the South Unit and the Elkhorn
Ranch site today. The North Unit was added to the memorial park on June
12, 1948. Additional boundary revisions were made in later years.
As a memorial park, it was the only one of its kind in the National
Park System. Eventually, in addition to a connection with a president,
the land was recognized for its diverse cultural and natural resources.
On 10 Nov 1978, the area was given national park status when President
Carter signed Public Law 95-625 that changed the memorial park to Theodore
Roosevelt National Park. This same law placed 29,920 acres of the park
under the National Wilderness Preservation System.
All visitor centers, wayside exhibits, campground amphitheaters, Maltese
Cross Cabin are accessible. Both campgrounds have accessible campsites.
First portion of Little Mo Nature Trail is paved. Parking areas at each
visitor center for buses and trailers. Pull-outs along park road accommodate
longer vehicles. Orientation film shown at Painted Canyon and North
Unit visitor centers can be captioned. Printed text is available at
the South Unit Visitor Center. Access to the Elkhorn Ranch site may
require 4-wheel drive and may be inaccessible at certain times of the
year due to weather and road conditions.
Basic Visit Recommendations
Theodore Roosevelt National Park is noted for opportunities to see
bison, elk, mule and white-tailed deer, pronghorn antelope, prairie
dogs, coyote and other small mammals as well as a variety of birds including
golden eagles. Wild (feral) horses can be seen in the South Unit and
longhorn steers in the North Unit.
Visiting park visitor centers with museum and orientation films; visiting
the Maltese Cross Cabin near the Medora Visitor Center; joining a guided
talk or walk or attending evening program; driving scenic park roads;
wildlife viewing; bird watching; hiking; and camping are also fun activities
to help you enjoy your visit to Theodore Roosevelt National Park.
South Unit: a minimum of four hours is recommended to visit the Medora
Visitor Center and drive the 36-mile loop road. North Unit: a minimum
of three hours. If time is spent taking one or both of the short, self-guided
nature walks in either unit, add two hours. Longer hikes take all day.
Driving distance between the North and South Units is 70 miles. At least
two days is recommended to visit both the North and South units plus
walk some of the short nature trails. Topography and landscape are different
between the North and South Unit.
Backcountry Camping
"Nothing could be more lonely and nothing more beautiful than
the view at nightfall across the prairies to these huge hill masses,
when the lengthening shadows had at last merged into one and the faint
after-glow of the red sunset filled the west." Theodore Roosevelt.
All roads in Theodore Roosevelt National Park are open to cyclists.
The park roads follow the contours of the badlands allowing riders to
enjoy the park close up. Off-road cycling is not allowed in the park.
All bicycles must remain on paved or dirt roads.
Bicylists should exercise caution as they ride in the park; they will
share the narrow roads with large RVs and other vehicles. Traffic is
heaviest in June, July and August and Road shoulders are absent in some
places. Bicyclists must obey all traffic laws.
Use caution around bison and all wildlife.
The Road Log Guide to Theodore Roosevelt National Park can add to your
appreciation of the park. It is available at park visitor centers for
a fee (or at the TRNHA Web Page Bookstore).
Special note on the Maah Daah Hey Trail: Bicycles are not permitted
on the trail as it passes through both the North and South Units of
the park. Bicycles cannot be carried or walked over the trail. They
must go around the park. The Buffalo Gap Trail circumvents the South
Unit. Users of the trail near the North Unit must use existing roads.
Theodore Roosevelt National Park has campgrounds in the South Unit
and North Unit.
Entrance Fees
Individual Entry (Bike, Foot) $ 5.00 (Seven Day Pass)
Private Non-commercial Vehicle $ 10.00 (Seven Day Pass)
Annual Pass (Good one year from date of purchase) $ 20.00
Gold Access Passport (Blind or permanently disabled) Free (Lifetime
- good in all national parks)
Golden Age Passport (One time fee - for those 62+) $ 10.00 (Lifetime
- good in all national parks)
Golden Eagle Passport (Good one year from date of purchase) $ 50.00
(Good in all national parks)
Commerical Tour Fees: Bus (26+ capacity) - $150.00, small bus (16-25
capacity) - $60.00, Van (7-15 capacity) - $50.00, Sedan (1-6 passengers)
- $25.00 + $5.00 per person.
Golden Access Passport
The Golden Access Passport is a free pass available to all permanent
U.S. residents who are eligible to receive federal benefits based on
disability, whether or not you are actually receiving them or not. This
pass entitles the bearer, and immediate family or accompanying passengers
in a private vehicle, to free admission to all U.S. National Parks,
Monuments, Forests, and Historic Sites, as well as half price camping.
Apply in person at any National Park Service or U.S. Forest Service
No Reservations are needed to enter Theodore Roosevelt National Park.
Food and Supplies
None available within the park; a variety of restaurants and grocery
stores are available near the park or within a short drive.
There are many hikes in the South Unit and in the North Unit. See the
Hiking Page for more information.
Horseback Riding
Theodore Roosevelt National Park is open to horse use. Visitors may
bring their own horses or take rides with the park concessioner. The
current trail ride operator in the park is Peaceful Valley Ranch/Shadow
Country Outfitters. For more information on concessioner trail rides,
contact them directly at: 701-623-4568.
There is no lodging in the park but there is camping in the park.
Persons wishing to camp overnight in the backcountry must register
and obtain a free backcountry use permit - entrance fees still apply.
Pet Information
Pets must be confined, tied or on a leash at all times. Pets are not
permitted in the backcountry, including all park trails.
A full compliment of regularly scheduled programs including talks,
evening campfire presentations, nature walks and long hikes are offered
June - mid-September. Guided tours of Theodore Roosevelt's Maltese Cross
Cabin in summer; self-guided during winter. Ski tours in winter may
be offered if snow conditions permit. Educational programs for schools
and groups may be scheduled throughout the year.
Skiing & Snowshoeing
The badlands of North Dakota receives about 30 inches of snow a year.
Snow can arrive in October and stay until April. The wind tends to blow
the snow around quite a bit, leaving some areas bare and others drifted
The park does not groom any trails for cross-country skiing. Skiers
blaze their own trails through the snow. The best places to cross-country
ski are on the frozen Little Missouri River and on closed park roads.
Skiing on park trails can be somewhat difficult. The trails are narrow
and many cross creek bottoms. These creek bottoms are like little canyons
and may be too steep for safe skiing. They, and all coulees and draws,
may also fill up with blowing snow hiding their true depth.
Also be aware of wildlife and keep a safe distance from bison (100
yards minimum).
Call the park for information on snow and river conditions.
Visitor Centers
Medora Visitor Center (South Unit)
Painted Canyon Visitor Center (South Unit)
North Unit Visitor Center
Summers are warm with temperatures in the 80's and 90's with a few
days into the 100's. Evenings can be cool. Average maximum: July is
87.1° and August is 86.7°. Average minimum: July 54.5° and
August is 52.4°. Annual precipitation is 15 inches. Winters are
generally cold. Recommend layers of clothing, especially in spring and
fall. Rain gear in spring. Hat for sun protection is needed in summer.
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