Old Stone Fort Museum
Stephen F. Austin Univ.
Nacogdoches, TX 75962-0001
(409) 468-2408
The Stone Fort Museum is housed in a 1936 replica, built on a new site,
of Don Antonio Gil Y'Barbo's stone house. Y'Barbo, the founder of present
day Nacogdoches, built the stone house circa 1780 as the formal portals
to the Spanish District of Texas. The original site of Y'Barbo's house,
torn down in 1902, is the corner of Fredonia and Main Streets in downtown
Nacogdoches. During its history, the original house served variously
as a public building, grocery store, candy store, saloon, and as a temporary
fortification during the Magee-Gutierrez, Dr. James Long and Fredonia
Rebellion filibusters.
Don Antonio Gil Y'Barbo (pronounced e-barvo) built a home that reflects
French Colonial residential architecture, but the building acquired
a nickname in the mid-1800's when its owner named his saloon the "Old
Stone Fort Saloon." Prior to that, the building was referred to
as the stone house.

The house changed hands several times before the
Perkins brothers bought it for $12,000 in 1901 with the intention of
demolishing the structure to erect a modern building. This news attracted
the attention of the Cum Concilio Club, a local historical group. The
Club conducted fund raising projects for one year in hopes of purchasing
the aging structure. Unable to prevent the demolition of the building,
the Cum Concilio Club purchased the building stones that were later
incorporated in a small memorial structure and museum. Before the house
was torn down in 1902, it was the oldest standing stone structure in
the State, and its porch one of the earliest examples of the galerie
style porch in Texas.

Photo of the Stone Fort taken by Charles M. Robinson, III from the book, Frontier Forts of Texas.
In 1936, the same stones were in turn used to build the present replica
structure, authorized by the Texas Centennial Commission, which stands
on the campus of Stephen F. Austin State University.

The museum is open Tuesday through Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00
p.m.; Sunday from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.; closed on Mondays and holidays.
Admission is free of charge. Guided tours are available by reservation
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