Gregory F. Michno describes the Little Blue River Raid which is just southeast of Fort Kearney in his book, Encyclopedia of Indian Wars.

Oak Grove Ranch on the Little Blue River
7-9 August 1864, Oak, Nebraska: Trouble brewing earlier in 1864 broke out in a fury at the end of the summer as hundreds of Cheyennes and some Sioux rampaged along the Overland Trail. Particularly hard-hit were ranches along a 60-mile stretch of the Little Blue River between present-day Fairbury and Hastings, Nebraska. On 7 August, 23 civilians were killed or mortally wounded. On the 9th, nine people were killed or mortally wounded, most of them at the Gilman ranch; three others were wounded. When the raids were over, Indians had killed 38 settlers, wounded 9, and captured 5.