Johnnie Leaper

Parker County, Texas

    About 1863, Johnnie Leaper, who was about seventy years old, whose wife was about thirty-five who was the father of about four small children, and who lived about twelve miles northeast of Weatherford, was out in his field throwing corn in an ox wagon, when assaulted by several savages. He left his ox team and started afoot toward the house, firing as he ran. His faithful wife heard his screams, and came to the door just in time to see him slain.

    Note: Author personally interviewed Joe Moore, and others who lived in Parker and adjoining counties at the time.

The above story is from the book, The West Texas Frontier, by Joseph Carroll McConnell.

Doyle Marshall, from the book A Cry Unheard, pointed out that Leaper wasn't scalped due to his baldness; a hairless scalp would have made a ridiculous looking trophy. He also states that Indians would pass on white hair and occasionally ran into a toupee.

In the book, Indian Depredations in Texas, J.W. Wilbarger's version of the incident states that Leaper was scalped.

Leaper story by Wilbarger

Leaper story by Wilbarger

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