Killing of Mr. and Mrs. Kensing

Mason County, Texas

    Those interviewed do not exactly agree concerning the year this killing occurred. Nevertheless, it was during or immediately following the close of the Civil War, and will be reported at this time.

    Mr. and Mrs. Kensing lived close to the Mason and Gillespie County line, on Beaver Creek, about eighteen miles south and east of Mason. Mr. and Mrs. Kensing left their children at home and visited the wife of Kensing's brother, who lived on Squaw Creek, about nineteen miles northwest of Fredericksburg. While returning home in a hack or spring wagon, late in the afternoon, the two were charged by about seven savages, who soon killed Mr. Kensing. Mrs. Kensing was then roped, dragged for a considerable distance, and after being brutally assaulted and handled in the most inhuman manner, was wounded, scalped and left to die a lingering death.

    It so happened that the mail carrier came along shortly afterward. Although he saw neither Mr. Kensing nor his wife, he reported that a mysterious hack was observed along the road. Whereupon Peter Crenwelge, Henry Welge Conrad Mont, a man named Raymond and Christian Cody, immediately repaired to the scene and in a short time, found Mr. Kensing. Mrs. Kensing was not found until about 1 o' clock during the succeeding day. She was still alive and lived two days longer. Mr. and Mrs. Kensing were buried on Squaw Creek at the old Kensing home. This tragedy occurred about six miles from the Kensing home.

    Note: Before writing this section, the author personally interviewed Peter Crenwelge, mentioned above, Mr. and Mrs. Streigler and one or two others who were living in Gillespie and Mason counties at the time.

The above story is from the book, The West Texas Frontier, by Joseph Carroll McConnell.

We received the following e-mail from a visitor to our site.

My name is Ima Kensing Chase. I read with interest the article on your site about Mr. and Mrs. Kensing. My father, Lee Roy William Kensing, was their great grandson. Your article is not accurate, and I would love to provide correct details.
Their names were Heinrich and Johanna Kensing. Records from the Hilda Methodist Church in Mason County state that "Heinrich Kensing was killed by the Indians on July 26, 1865.  May his ashes rest in peace." The records further state that "Johanna Kensing died by horrible mistreatment by the Indians on July 29, 1865."
I have the full story and would love to share it with you so your web site will be accurate. (We received the story and it is below.)

Ima Kensing Chase

Kensing Massacre Story

Kensing Massacre Story

Kensing Massacre Story

Life story of Heinrich and Johanna Kensing

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