Fight on Packsaddle Mountain
Marker Location: from Llano take SH 71 southeast 15.2 miles, near intersection of SH 71 and CR 309.
City: Llano
Year Marker Erected:
Marker Text: Two and one half miles east on the Packsaddle Mountain, in a battle fought August 4, 1873, Captain J.R. Moss, Stephen B. Moss, William B. Moss, Eli Lloyd, Arch Martin, Pink Ayers, E.D. Harrington and Robert Brown routed a band of Indians thrice their number. The last Indian battle in this region.
Marker Location:
Near SH 71, about 15 miles southeast of Llano, private marker placed in 1938 atop Packsaddle Mountain.
City: Llano
Year Marker Erected: 1938
Marker Text: Packsaddle Mountain Indian Battle Fight, August 5, 1873. In honor of pioneers who fought Llano County's last Indian battle: James Moss - Robert Brown - Arch Martin - William B. Moss - Denver Harrington - 'Pink' Ayres - Eli Lloyd - Stephen B. Moss
The above story is from the book, Indian Depredations in Texas, by J.W. Wilbarger. |