Midland County Historical Markers

Texas Brazos Trail Region

Map of Midland County Historic Sites

Topics (click on a topic to jump to that section).
Anglin, W.B. | Z. Taylor Brown-Sarah Dorsey Medallion Home | Marcy Trail | Midland County | Midland County Historical Museum | Midland County's First Producing Oil Well | Midland Man | Museum of the Southwest | Petroleum Museum

W.B. Anglin

Marker Title: W.B. Anglin
Address: Nobles and N Pecos St.
City: Midland
County: Midland
Year Marker Erected: 1967
Marker Location: At corner of Nobles & N. Pecos St., Fairview Cemetery, Veterans Station, Midland.
Marker Text: A member, Company B, Frontier Battalion of Texas Rangers. Killed near here while trailing Comanche Indian raiding party on July 1, 1879. He was buried on the spot where he fell. A native of Virginia, member of one of its first families, he joined rangers in 1875 at about age 25. Anglin was last man to be killed by Indians in central west Texas. He was known for his bravery, kindness, good humor and unceasing devotion to duty.

Z. Taylor Brown-Sarah Dorsey Medallion Home

Museum Name: Z. Taylor Brown-Sarah Dorsey Medallion Home
Mailing Address: 2102 Community Lane
City: Midland
Zip Code: 79701
Street Address: 213 N Weatherford
Area Code: 915
Phone: 682-2931
County: Midland

Marcy Trail

Marker Title: Marcy Trail
Address: IH 20, E of Midland 5 mi.
City: Midland
County: Midland
Year Marker Erected: 1967
Marker Location: 4.8 mile E. on I-20 in roadside park
Marker Text: Plotted in 1849 by a U.S. Army surveying expedition under Capt. Randolph B. Marcy. Guided by Manuel, a Comanche Indian, Marcy crossed the dreaded staked plains of West Texas, proving their feasibility for travel, and opening a new and shorter road west. Marcy's trail from Dona Ana, N.M., to Fort Smith, Ark., became a major road to the California gold fields. Later the overland stage followed it for about 125 miles and in 1881, Texas and Pacific Railroad built along part of the route.

Midland County

Marker Title: Midland County
Address: US 80 and FM 1788
City: Midland
County: Midland
Year Marker Erected: 1965
Marker Location: From Midland, go 10 mile SW on US 80 (I-20 Business). Marker is Just N. of Juction of I-20 & FM 1788 on FM 1788.
Marker Text: First known as the junction of many trails and site of the last Comanche raid into Texas. In 1881 the Texas and Pacific Railroad was built ; equi-distant between El Paso and Fort Worth, this became known as Midland. First settler was a sheepman in 1882. Water wells and windmills lured small farmers. Became headquarters for 1928 Permian Basin oil discovery. In 1945 its first well came in . The "Midland Man", oldest skeletal remains in North America (18,500 B.C.), was found in 1954.

Midland County Historical Museum

Museum Name: Midland County Historical Museum
Mailing Address: 2102 Community Lane
City: Midland
Zip Code: 79701
Street Address: 301 W. Missouri
Area Code: 915
Phone: 692-2931
County: Midland
Types of Exhibits/Collections: Military, Aviation, Archeology, Photos, Historical, Local/Pioneer History, Archives Type of Exhibits/Other:

Midland County's First Producing Oil Well

Marker Title: Midland County's First Producing Oil Well
Address: SH 158, about 10 mi. S of Midland
City: Midland
County: Midland
Year Marker Erected: 1967
Marker Location: From Midland, take SH 158 SE about 10 mile
Marker Text: Humble Oil and Refining Company's No. 1 Mrs. O.P. Buchanan staked by Rowan Drilling Company Aug. 17, 1944. Spudded Sept. 14, 1944. Completed Nov. 6, 1945, at total depth of 12,574 feet. Well flowed 332 barrels in 29 hours. Geologist: H.L. Beckman.- 1967

Midland Man

Marker Title: Midland Man
Address: Wall & Colorado St., Courthouse square
City: Midland
County: Midland
Year Marker Erected: 1966
Marker Location: Courthouse Square, corner of Wall St. & N. Colorado, Midland.
Marker Text: Oldest human remains in new world. Found 1953 on ranch near here by pipeline welder Keith Glasscock. Fossilized skull, rib and hand bones had been exposed by weather conditions. Tests indicated these were bones of a woman who lived as long ago as 9000-9500 B.C.; nearby were bones of extinct species of horse, camel, mammoth, peccary, wolf, sloth; with weapons, tools and signs of ancient campfires. Drs. Fred Wendorf and Alex D. Kreiger, archaeologists; Claude C. Albritton, geologist; T.D. Stewart, physician and anthropologist, made studies of the discovery.

Museum of the Southwest

Museum Name: Museum of the Southwest
Street Address: 1705 W. Missouri Avenue
City: Midland
Zip Code: 79701
Area Code: 915
Phone: 683-2882
County: Midland

Petroleum Museum

Museum Name: The Petroleum Museum
Street Address: 1500 W I-20
City: Midland
Zip Code: 79701
Area Code: 915
Phone: 683-4403
County: Midland

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