Kinney County
Historical Markers |

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Uncommemorated and Unmapped Sites
Marker Title: Adjutant's Quarters (Quarters #20)
Address: 20 Colony Row, Fort Clark Springs
City: Brackettville
County: Kinney
Year Marker Erected: 1999
Marker Text: Erected during the 1873-1875 expansion of Fort Clark
to accommodate and support an entire regiment, this structure differs
from other quarters on the line in that it is a single dwelling rather
than a duplex. The Fifth Regiment of the U. S. Cavalry was garrisoned
here from 1921 to 1941 and during that time the regimental adjutant,
who performed essential clerical duties for the regimental commander,
lived within these walls. The core of this building is a three-room
hall and parlor plan composed of adobe, featuring a symmetrical front
and stone chimney at each end. Additions were made in 1904 and 1944.
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark - 1999
Marker Title: Commanding Officer's Quarters
City: Brackettville
County: Kinney
Year Marker Erected: 1963
Marker Location: No. 29 Colony Row, Ft. Clark Springs, Brackettville
Marker Text: Fort Clark was established as a U.S. Army garrison in
June 1852. Nine structures designed by U.S. Army engineers were built
in 1873-1874 to house the fort's officers. This house served the fort's
commanding officers, including Col. Ranald S. Mackenzie and Gen. Jonathan
M. Wainwright. Architectural features include a central entry, wood-frame
porch, six-over-six windows, second floor dormers, and four large
chimneys with sculpted caps. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark - 1963
Marker Title: Dolores Townsite
City: Brackettville
County: Kinney
Year Marker Erected: 1970
Marker Location: at a rest area off of Highway 90 and 8-9 miles west
of Brackettville
Marker Text: Only settlement founded in John Charles
Beales' ill-fated Rio Grande colony of 1834-1836. Beales (1804-1878)
-- empresario of 70,000,000 acres in present Southern and Western
Texas and New Mexico -- was Texas' largest known land king. In 1833
he and a partner brought 59 settlers here to colonize a town to be
named for Beales' Mexican wife. Indian raids and drought soon took
their toll, but the deathblow came in 1836. As the group fled the
Mexican Army during the Texas Revolution, Comanches killed all but
7 of one party. This ended the town's existence. (1970)
Marker Title: Old Guardhouse - Fort Clark
County: Kinney
Marker Location: Inside Fort: Fronts Patton Road and fort's interior
open space. On east side of Colony Row Rd.
Marker Text: --
Museum Name: Old Fort Clark Guardhouse Museum
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1061
City: Brackettville
Zip Code: 78832
Area Code: 210
Phone: 563-9150
County: Kinney
Marker Title: Fort Clark
City: Brackettville
County: Kinney
Year Marker Erected: 1994
Marker Location: Inside Ft. Clark: fronts Bowie Street just east of
Intersection of Bowie and Main Streets, near entrance (off Highway
90), Brackettville.
Marker Text: A strategic installation in the U.S. Army's line of forts
along the military road stretching from San Antonio to El Paso, Fort
Clark was established in June 1852. Located near natural springs and
Las Moras Creek, its site was considered a point of primary importance
to the defense of frontier settlements and control of the U.S. Mexico
border. Many infantry regiments and almost all cavalry regiments were
at one time based at Fort Clark, as well as companies of Texas Rangers
and Confederate troops during the Civil War. The Army's Seminole-Negro
Indian Scouts also were assigned to Fort Clark, and with black troops
of the 10th Cavalry and 24th and 25th infantry played a decisive role
in the Indian campaigns of the 1870s. Prominent military leaders who
served here include Col. Ranald S. Mackenzie, Gen. Wesley Merritt,
Gen. William R. Shafter, Gen. John L. Bullis, Gen. Zenas R. Bliss,
Gen. Jonathan M. Wainwright, and Gen. George S. Patton, Jr. Fort Clark
remained a horse-cavalry post for the U.S. Army through World War
II and finally was inactivated in 1946. The fort property, including
many native stone buildings constructed by civilian craftsmen in the
1870s, was listed in the National Register of Historic Places in 1979.
Marker Title: Fort Clark, U.S.A.
City: Brackettville
County: Kinney
Year Marker Erected: 1963
Marker Location: Highway 334 east, in front of Courthouse, Brackettville
Marker Text: 1852-1946 Founded June, 1852. Guarded California road,
rebuffed Indians, outlaws. Named for Maj. J. B. Clark, killed in Mexican
War. Companies of infantry, artillery, cavalry stationed here. Clothing
issued proved too warm for summer. Buildings were too cold for winter
until chimneys were built in 1856. Troops routed Indians to Pecos
River mouth, helped expel bandit Cortinas from Brownsville, 1859 Union
gave up Clark, 1861, after Texas seceded -- re- occupied it 1866.
Used Seminole Scout Company. Indian reservation established near post.
Duty here, decade after Civil War, was said to be equivalent to honorable
mention. Practically all U.S. Cavalry regiments served here. 5th Cavalry
served 1920-41. In World War II, 2nd and 11th Cavalry trained here.
Post inactivated Feb. 9, 1946. Erected by the State of Texas 1963
Marker Title: Fort Clark Guardhouse
City: Brackettville
County: Kinney
Year Marker Erected: 1962
Marker Location: on northeast corner of McClernand and Baylor Street,
Fort Clark Springs, Brackettville.
Marker Text: Established in 1852, Fort Clark was manned by varying
troop strengths over the years. This guardhouse was built in the 1870s
during a period of fort expansion. A new stockade was built in 1942
to relieve overcrowding, and the guardhouse became headquarters for
the military police. Built of limestone blocks, the building reflects
an adoption of military design to local materials and climate, and
retains its 1930s appearance. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark - 1962
Marker Title: Kinney County
City: Brackettville
County: Kinney
Marker Location: not located
Marker Text: Kinney County formed from Bexar County created January
28, 1850, recreated February 2, 1856 organized December 3, 1869. Named
in honor of Henry L. Kinney 1813-1861; founder of Corpus Christi Member
of the first state constitutional convention Brackettville, county
seat a leading wool and mohair producing county.
Museum Name: Kinney County Heritage
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1295
Street Address: Intersection of El Paso & James
City: Brackettville
Zip Code: 78832
Area Code: 830
Phone: 563-9281
County: Kinney
Marker Title: Military Roads in Texas
City: Brackettville
County: Kinney
Year Marker Erected: 1968
Marker Location: Highway 90 just east of Ft. Clark entrance, Brackettville
Marker Text: The routes that moved troops in early Texas often followed
old Indian trails, usually were little more than deep wagon ruts.
This one, the Chihuahua Road joining Ft. Clark with other southwest
posts -- was widely used, 1850-1880. The Comanche War Trail, part
of the Chihuahua Road, carried women, children, and horses stolen
by Indians from Mexico to the north. The Spanish era opened El Camino
Real (the Old San Antonio Road) in 1691 to join Louisiana to Mexico.
After 1836, Republic of Texas settlers demanded forts for safety from
Indians; a main 1840 supply road followed present Austin-Dallas highway.
Central National Road, 1844, linked Trinity and Red Rivers. (Its rules
required all trees to be cut 12 inches or less from ground). From
1848 to 1860, surveys by U.S. led to a network of military roads in
west central Texas. In 1849, Capt. Randolph B. Marcy blazed a West
Texas trail used by California gold hunters. Famed U.S. 2nd Cavalry
made Ft. Belknap - San Antonio Road a military artery in 1850s. During
Civil War, supplies moved from Mexico to Texas over the cotton road.
The Indian campaigns of Capt. R.sS. Mackenzie in 1870s opened trails
across the staked plains; but by 1881, the railroad had begun to replace
Texas' once-famous military routes. (1968)
Marker Title: Seminole Indian Scouts' Cemetery
City: Brackettville
County: Kinney
Year Marker Erected: 1971
Marker Location: 90W - west end of Brackettville take 3348 south 3
miles to marker and cemetery (within Brackettville limits).
Marker Text: (Founded on Fort Clark Reservation, Sept. 1, 1872) Burial
site of heroic U.S. Army men, families, and heirs. These Seminoles
came mainly from Florida about 1850; lived in northern Mexico or Texas;
joined Lt. (later a general) John L. Bullis and Col. Ranald S. Mackenzie
in ridding Texas of hostile Indians, 1870s. (1971) Incise on plate
on back of marker: The following are among the many scouts buried
here: John Bowlegs, Elijah Daniels, Pompey Factor, Renty Grayson,
John Jefferson, Billy July, Sampson July, George Kibbit, Issac Payne,
Pompey Perryman, Joseph Phillips, Billie Wilson, Issac Wilson, Kelina
Marker Title: Staff Officers' Quarters
City: Brackettville
County: Kinney
Year Marker Erected: 1990
Marker Location: Colony ROW between quarters Nos. 22 and 25, Ft. Clark
Springs, Brackettville.
Marker Text: The U.S. Army built nine stone officers' quarters at
Fort Clark beginning in 1873. The need soon arose for additional housing
for senior staff officers, and this building was constructed in 1888.
Built in a T-plan, the two-story stone duplex features a full width
front porch and is a good example of military standard housing adapted
to the materials and climate of the region. Among the house's residents
was General George S. Patton. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark - 1990