Pete Lynn and Albert Harrell

Jack County, Texas
Exciting Chase of Pete Lynn and Albert Harrell

    During the fall of 1869, Albert Harrell and Pete Lynn, who lived about fourteen miles south of Jacksboro, on east Keechi, started horseback to the above place, and Pete Lynn was riding a mule. Harrell, however, rode a good gray horse. When they had gone about three miles and were within one mile of the old Adkinson Ranch, they happened to look back and saw sixteen Indians coming toward them as fast as they could ride. Lynn and Harrell started in a run toward the Adkinson Ranch. After running about one-fourth mile they came to a creek, which was crossed as rapidly as possible. A few seconds later, when one of the Indians reached the stream, his splendid horse jumped from bank to bank, and an actual measurement by A.M. Lasater, his brother, Green, and John Price, showed the horse actually jumped twenty-seven feet. The Indian was now within 150 yards of the citizens, and in a short time Albert Harrell began shooting toward him. Each time he would shoot, the Indian would fall over on his splendid steed, but was constantly getting closer and closer. When Lynn and Harrell were within 150 yards of the Adkinson Ranch, the savage ran between them, and threw his spear at Pete Lynn. The Indian, however, was watching Albert Harrell who had been shooting so the lance missed its mark, but mortally wounded Pete Lynn's mule. When the savage attempted to draw his spear, Albert Harrell, who was only about eighteen inches away, sent another Indian to the "Happy Hunting Ground." By this time, the Indians in the rear opened fire, but the two citizens rushed on up between the homes of Geo. Adkinson, and John Keith, who lived close together for mutual protection. Geo. Adkinson was leading a horse back to the house, so both he and Keith opened fire on the Indians. Several shots were then exchanged, and Harrell hurried to Dorothy Adkinson, who happened to be out at the lot. Geo. and Newt. Adkinson, and John Keith had about nine head of horses north of the house. These horses fell into the hands of the Indians. Since Lynn's mule had been killed, he saddled the horse that Geo. Adkinson was bringing to the house, so he and Albert Harrell started back towards Lynn's home, on east Keechi, about four miles to the south. They had only gone about two miles, however, when four of the sixteen Indians that chased them in the first instance, began firing. Again several shots were exchanged, but apparently no harm done. Shortly after, A.M. Green, and John Price, who were riding by the wagon of Newt Adkinson, to protect him in case they encountered Indians, arrived at the Adkinson Ranch, and in a short time found where the savages buried the dead Indian.

The above story is from the book, The West Texas Frontier, by Joseph Carroll McConnell.

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