Nebraska Game and Parks Commission
Nebraska State Historical Society
Nebr. Hwy #11, 8 miles south of O'Neill
Holt County
Marker 230
Fort Hartsuff State Historical Park is comprised of a
portion of the original 1280-acre Military Reservation. The nine original
permanent buildings on the Park grounds are constructed of grout, a
mixture of gravel, lime, and cement similar to concrete. Some former
temporary structures and other features such as the original Fort cemetery
are on private property. Active between 1874-1881 during the height
of Indian warfare on the Plains, the Fort provided protection for both
settlers and friendly Indians. At the Fort, a social center for the
surrounding area, settlers found employment and a market for their farm
produce. Abandoned in 1881, the buildings were purchased by the Union
Pacific Railroad, whose intention to establish an immigrant center here
was never realized. In 1897 the site was purchased by local investors.
It became a farm headquarters until donated to the State of Nebraska
in 1961 by Glen and Lillian Auble of Ord. The Nebraska Game and Parks
Commission is responsible for restoration and maintenance of the Park
as a part of the state-wide Historical Parks system. The Park and surrounding
district was named to the National Register of Historic Places in 1978.
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