Don Cox Kills Indian

Comanche County, Texas

    During 1861, or 62, Don and Baz Cox, who lived about one half mile east of Sidney, staked out a little brown pony the Indians had dropped on a previous raid. It was night and before the Cox boys reached home, two of their dogs bayed at a lone Indian. These dogs were soon joined by five or six others, which came charging from the house. John Cox shot at the savage but apparently missed him. The report of the gun, however, caused the dogs to charge the Indian who had been warding them off with an arrow. Don Cox then rushed up and killed the warrior with a butcher knife. Don, himself, was killed by Indians about four years later in the famous Dove Creek Fight.

    Ref.: Joel Nabers, Richard Cunningham, Dave Cunningham and others who were living in Comanche County at the time.

The above story is from the book, The West Texas Frontier, by Joseph Carroll McConnell.

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