Chamber of Commerce,
American Legion Building
P.O. Box 299
TX 76450
Points of Interest
Courthouse Square is recognized as the largest courthouse
square in the United States, measuring 620 feet by 890 feet. The Cattle
Raisers Association of Texas was formed under a large live oak tree
near the northwest corner of the square.
Old Courthouse Archway
Graham Art Museum, on Courthouse Square, in the Old Post
Office Building.
Robert E. Richeson Confederate Air Force Cactus Squadron
Memorial Museum. The West Texas Wing of the Confederate Airforce has
restored a SB2-C "Helldiver" aircraft to its World War II
flying condition, the only aircraft of its kind in flying condition.
The Library of Graham, located in Shawnee Springs Park
(see below)
Rock Island Railroad Station
Belknap Civilian Cemetery, located in a field 1/2 mile
east of Fort Belknap off SH #61. Caution: Cars can get stuck in the
Shawnee Springs Park once was home to the Brazos River
Indian Reservation. The park, located at the south end of Graham on
both sides of State Highway 16, contains a children's area, picnic tables
and on the northeast side of the park, the Library of Graham. A nature
trail is the location of the original Shawnee Springa four foot
deepo sandstone formation used by the Indians of the Brazos Indian Reservation.
Annual Events
March: Rotary Club's Possum Pedal 100 Daffodil
April: Confederate Air Force Fly-in, Spring Stroll, Tour and
May: Annual Lake Country Art Festival
July: Fourth at the FortFort Belknap
September: Wild West Possum Fest & Backyard BBQ & Chili
November: Christmas Store
December: Starlight Extravaganza Stroll & Christmas Parade
The Cliffs, Possum Kingdom Lake, 940-779-4021, 800-621-8534
Gate Way Inn, 1401 Hwy. 16 S, 940-549-0222
Rodeway Inn, 1919 Hwy. 16 S, 940-549-8320
Ponderosa RV & Mobil Home Park, 2400 Hwy. 16 S, 940-549-3708
Travelers Inn and Restaurant, 1516 Hwy. 16 S, 940-549-0274
Victorian Memories Bed and Breakfast, Cherry Street, 940-549-4005
Camps on east side of Possum Kingdom
Rock Creek Camp, 940-779-2766
Willow Beach RV Park and Marine, Hwy. 2353 to Willow Beach Road, 940-779-3004
Rainbow RV Park, 111 Hwy. 2353, 940-779-2933
Sky Camp Resort and RV Park, Hwy. 2353, 940-779-2741
Camp Constantin (Boy Scouts), 940-779-2131
Camp Grady Spruce (Frontier Camp), 940-779-9202
One Mountain Place, FM 2951, 1/4 mile west off Possum Kingdom Road 36,
Scenic Point Marina and Lodge, Possum Kingdom, 940-779-2366
Sandbar Village, FM 2951, 940-779-2922
P.K. Lodge, Graford, 940-779-2757
Camps on west side of Possum Kingdom
Possum Kingdom State Park, 940-549-1803
Bailey's on Possum Kingdom, 940-549-1871
Fox Hollow Camp, Graham, 940-549-1801
Possum Hollow RV Park and Cabins, 940-549-1873
Lakeshore Marina and RV Park, 5501 Lakeshore Drive, 940-549-2518
Bass Hollow Camp, 940-549-0104
Carmen's Kitchen, 1210 Fourth Street, 940-549-3474
Casteel's Seafood & Steak, 400 Elm Street, 940-549-5320
Chicken Express, 1322 Hwy. 16 S, 940-549-2200
China Inn, 1602 Hwy. 16 S, 940-549-8442
Dairy King, 910 Elm Street, 940-549-3718
Dairy Queen (Airport), Hwy 380 Bypass, 940-549-2500; (Southside), 1310
Hwy. 16 S, 940-549-4977
El Gallo, 608 Oak Street, (west side of Square), 940-549-8838
Flo's Burgers, 610 Oak Street, 940-549-3474
Gateway Supper Club, 1401 Hwy. 16 S, 940-549-6603
Golden China, 1104 Cypress, 940-549-6001
Golden Fried Chicken, 14456 East Fourth Street, 940-549-8650
Jim & Sylvia's Outback & Beto's Hot Sauce, 721 Cherry St., 940-549-1227
K Bob's Restaurant, 1111 Hwy. 16 S, 940-549-3591
K&N Root Beer, 1108 South Elm Street, 940-549-2247
Lake Country Pizza, Hwy. 16 S, 940-549-8652
Last Action Hero Deli, 409 Third Street (west side of Square), 940-549-3354
The Last Pizza Show, 526 Oak Street (west side of Square), 940-549-5256
Magnolia Tea Room, 523 Fourth Street (north side of Square), 940-549-8000
McDonald's Restaurant, 1405 Hwy. 16 S, 940-549-5117
Moore's Family Restaurant, 111 N. FM 2353 Possum Kingdom Lake, 940-779-2933
Pizza Hut Restaurant, 1113 Hwy. 16 S, 940-549-5401
Possum Port Restaurant, 1401 Hwy. 16 S, 940-549-6603
Sanderson's Restaurant, 1324 Hwy. 16 S, 940-549-8270
Sonic Drive-In, 1217 Hwy. 16 S, 940-549-4000
Sonny's BBQ, 1010 Fourth Street, 940-540-0113
Steer Bowl, 1444 Fourth Street, 940-549-6331
Subway Sandwiches & Salads, Hwy. 16 S, 940-549-4649
Sumptin' Fishy, 1917 Hwy. 16 S, 940-549-1898
Taco Mayo, 1219 Hwy. 16 S, 940-549-6353
Third Street Grill, 610 Third Street, 940-549-7440
Whataburger Restaurant, 1228 Hwy. 16 S, 940-549-3420
Brazos River Indian Reservation
SH 16 in Graham
In February 1854 the Texas legislature designated 12 Spanish
leagues (or 53,136 acres) of land to be maintained as Indian reservations
by the federal government. In August 1854, Major Robert S. Neighbors,
United States supervising Indian agent, and Captain Randolph B.
Marcy, of the United States Army, made surveys in both Spanish
and American measurements; American dimensions were platted, totaling
69,120 acres. In the 8-league tract here in Young County-on either
side of the Brazos River-were placed tribes of Anadarko, Caddo,
Tehuacana, Tonkawa, Waco and others, together with splinter groups
of the Cherokees, Choctaws, Delawares, Shawnees and some other
remnants. The southern Comanches had their 4-league reservation
about 45 miles to the west.
Under the guidance of United States agents, the Indians
of the Brazos River Reservation made much progress in agriculture,
stock raising and other arts of civilization. Drought and other
adversities, however, led to closing of the reservations.
Emptied in 1859 when the Indians were removed to
vicinity of present Anadarko, Oklahoma, lands of the reservation
reverted to the state, and were opened to the pre-emption of Texas
citizens in 1873.

Marlow Brothers
became the seat of the District Court that included most of Comancheria.
It remained the center of power until vigilantism flared during the
Marlow Brothers incident. Another John Wayne movie, "The Sons of
Katie Elder," was based on that occurrence. Like the movie, there
were originally four brothers. The two not pictured were killed in a
shoot-out and are buried at a little cemetery just north of Hwy. 16
on Ranch Road 1191. The remaining brothers and their mother moved to
Crested Butte where they were employed as sheriff's deputies. Eventually
Texas Rangers were dispatched to bring the boys back to Texas for trial.
The brothers and Rangers confronted each other at the train station
where all shook left hands while their rights lingered above their pistol
grips and remained so until they went to lunch at the brother's home
where their mother insisted everyone disarm before eating. The Colorado
governor's order arrived at the end of the meal, forbidding the Rangers
from taking the boys back to Texas. For once, at least in this instance,
the Rangers did not get their men.
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