But of course, road trips need music too and the travel magazine, Texas Highways, has provided us with an invaluable primer, Texas Music, a Road Trip. You will find
recommended music and artist's web sites at the bottom of this page.
I can't resist plugging Terry
Allen's Bloodlines. It is a very edgy and, as far as
I know, the only collection of music specifically about the white
and red man's struggle for America. There are several exclusively Texas music radio stations, Amarillo, 101.9 FM, Austin, 107.1 FM, Austin, 93.7 FM, Bowie, 1410 AM, Dallas 105.3 FM, Fort Worth, 95.9 FM, Houston, 94.5 FM, Midland, 99.1 FM that are worth a search on your dial if you are in the area. Classic country fans, check out the King of the Swing and Rockabilly bass guitar, the backbone of Nashville studio artists A-Team, Bob Moore's web site. He is probably on every one of your favorite songs. Metroplex visitors should give Promoter Line Events a click to plan their outings, also Savidetup, the Fort Worth Weekly and the Dallas Observer.
Texas' Featured Releases

American Graffiti

O Brother
Where Art Thou?